
Admin Database

Digital, Computers & Informatics

  • Average salary

    RM2800 - RM 4500

  • Career Trends

  • Compatibility

What is Admin Database?

Manage, test, and implement computer database systems, applying knowledge about database management systems. A Database Admin also coordinates changes to a computer database, can also plan, coordinate, and maintain the security of a computer database.

Minimum education level







Average salary

RM2800 - RM 4500

Example of a Job Position

Database Administration Manager
Database Administrator (DBA)
Database Analyst
Database Coordinator
Database Programmer
Information Systems Manager
Management Information Systems Director (MIS Director)
Programmer Analyst
Systems Manager


Manage, test, and implement computer database systems, applying knowledge about database management systems

Coordinate changes to the computer database

Plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to maintain computer databases

Specify site users and their access for each database segment

Test computer programs or databases, correct errors, and make needed changes

Change the computer database and the existing database management system, or direct the programmer and analyst staff to make changes

Plan, coordinate and implement security measures to safeguard information on the computer from accidental or unauthorized damage, alteration or disclosure



Knowledge of administrative procedures and systems, such as managing words, managing documents and records, stenography and transcription, designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology.

Communication and Media

Knowledge of media production, communication, and techniques and methods of dissemination. Includes alternative ways to inform and entertain through writing, verbal, and visual media.

Public Safety and Security

Knowledge of relevant tools, policies, procedures and strategies to support effective raid / patrol operations for local, provincial and national security, and protect people, data, property and institutions.


Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.

Customer and Personal Services

Knowledge of principles and processes to provide services for customers and personal. This includes assessing customer needs, meeting service quality standards, and evaluating customer satisfaction.

Computers and Electronics

Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.



Monitor / assess the performance of themselves, other individuals, and organizations to develop or take corrective actions.

Complex Problem Solving

Identify complex problems and review related information in order to develop and evaluate options and solutions that can be applied.

Critical Thinking

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to the problems handled

Consideration and Decision Making

Consider the shortcomings and advantages of potential action choices to choose the most appropriate action.

Operational Monitoring

Observe measuring devices, adjusting buttons, or other indicators to make sure the machine is working properly.


Write computer programs for various purposes.


  • 1

    Information Arrangement - The ability to arrange various things and actions in a certain sequence or pattern according to the rules specified (for example: number patterns, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).

  • 2

    Deductive Reasoning - The ability to apply general rules to certain problems in order to produce reasonable answers.

  • 3

    Inductive Reasoning - The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules and conclusions (including finding relationships between seemingly unconnected events).

  • 4

    Oral Understanding - The ability to listen and understand information and ideas conveyed through words and oral sentences

  • 5

    Problem Sensitivity - The ability to tell when something is wrong or maybe wrong. This does not involve solving the problem, only knowing if there is a problem.