
Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers

Law and Crime

  • Average salary

    RM5293 - RM 12560

  • Career Trends


  • Compatibility

What is Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers?

Conduct hearings to recommend or make decisions on claims concerning government programs or other government-related matters. Determine liability, sanctions, or penalties, or recommend the acceptance or rejection of claims or settlements.

Minimum education level







Average salary

RM5293 - RM 12560

Example of a Job Position

Administrative Hearing Officer
Administrative Judge
Administrative Law Judge
Appeals Examiner
Appeals Referee
Claims Adjudicator
Hearing Officer
Workers' Compensation Hearings officer


Prepare written opinions and decisions See more occupations related to this task
Monitor and direct the activities of trials and hearings to ensure that they are conducted fairly and that courts administer justice while safeguarding the legal rights of all involved parties See more occupations related to this task
Determine existence and amount of liability according to current laws, administrative and judicial precedents, and available evidence See more occupations related to this task
Research and analyze laws, regulations, policies, and precedent decisions to prepare for hearings and to determine conclusions See more occupations related to this task
Conduct hearings to review and decide claims regarding issues such as social program eligibility, environmental protection, and enforcement of health and safety regulations



Knowledge of human performance and behavior; differences in individual abilities, personalities and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.

Customer and Personal Services

Knowledge of principles and processes to provide services for customers and personal. This includes assessing customer needs, meeting service quality standards, and evaluating customer satisfaction.

Computers and Electronics

Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.


Knowledge of the structure and content of English, including the meaning and spelling of each word, composition rules, and grammar.

Law and Governance

Knowledge of laws, legal rules, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, institutional rules, and democratic political processes.


Critical Thinking

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to the problems handled

Reading Understanding

Understand sentences and paragraphs written in work documents.


Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Problem Determination

Determine the cause of operating errors, and decide what actions need to be done.


  • 1

    Oral Comprehension - The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences

  • 2

    Written Comprehension - The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing