
3D Graphic Designer

Media and Advertising

  • Average salary

    RM1414 - RM 3560

  • Career Trends

  • Compatibility

What is 3D Graphic Designer?

Design and create visual design to communicate messages. The design will be shown in 3D format. 3D graphic designers can work in diverse fields, such as film, broadcasting, advertising, publishing or web design.

Minimum education level







Average salary

RM1414 - RM 3560

Example of a Job Position

Digital Artist
Computer Graphic Designer
3D Animator
3D Graphic Designer
3D Artist


Creating design concept by preparing sketches and storyboards as client / company requested
Once the concept is approved, execute 3D design using various software needed
Involved in the entire creative process, from creating the concept, design development to completion
Make revisions (if needed / requested)


Communication and Media

Knowledge of media production, communication, and techniques and methods of dissemination. Includes alternative ways to inform and entertain through writing, verbal, and visual media.

Computers and Electronics

Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.


Knowledge of the structure and content of English, including the meaning and spelling of each word, composition rules, and grammar.


Knowledge of techniques, equipment and design principles including in producing precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings and models.


Active Learning

Understand the implications of new information for basic decision making and problem solving now and in the future.

Critical Thinking

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to the problems handled

Reading Understanding

Understand sentences and paragraphs written in work documents.

Operational Analysis

Analyze product requirements and requirements to make designs.

Time Management

Set personal time with other people's time


  • 1

    Smooth Idea - Ability to generate many ideas for one topic (total ideas are the most important, not quality, truth, or creativity).

  • 2

    Selective Attention - The ability to concentrate on tasks in a given period without being easily distracted.

  • 3

    Originality - The ability to bring unusual ideas or bright ideas to a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways of solving problems.

  • 4

    Visualization  - The ability to imagine how something will look after being moved around or when parts are moved or reset.

  • 5

    Short Distance Vision - The ability to see details at close range (a few feet away from the object).