


  • Average salary

    RM2800 - RM 4500

  • Career Trends


  • Compatibility

What is Acupuncturists?

Provide treatment of symptoms and disorders using needles and small electrical currents. May provide massage treatment. May also provide preventive treatments.

Minimum education level







Average salary

RM2800 - RM 4500

Example of a Job Position

Acupuncture Doctor
Certified Acupuncturist


Insert needles to provide acupuncture treatment
Maintain and follow standard quality, safety, environmental and infection control policies and procedures
Adhere to local, state and federal laws, regulations and statutes
Identify correct anatomical and proportional point locations based on patients' anatomy and positions, contraindications, and precautions related to treatments such as intradermal needles, moxibution, electricity, guasha, and bleeding
Maintain detailed and complete records of health care plans and prognoses



Knowledge of human performance and behavior; differences in individual abilities, personalities and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.

Customer and Personal Services

Knowledge of principles and processes to provide services for customers and personal. This includes assessing customer needs, meeting service quality standards, and evaluating customer satisfaction.


Knowledge of the structure and content of English, including the meaning and spelling of each word, composition rules, and grammar.

Therapy and Counseling

Knowledge of principles, methods and procedures for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunction, as well as providing career guidance.

Medical Science and Dentistry

Knowledge of the information and techniques needed to diagnose and treat human wounds, diseases, and deformities. These include symptoms, alternative treatments, drug properties and interactions, and preventive health measures


Active Learning

Understand the implications of new information for basic decision making and problem solving now and in the future.

Serving Orientation

Actively looking for the right way to help others.

Critical Thinking

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to the problems handled

Consideration and Decision Making

Consider the shortcomings and advantages of potential action choices to choose the most appropriate action.

Social Sensitivity

Realizing the reactions of others, then understanding why they acted like that.


  • 1

    Deductive Reasoning - The ability to apply general rules to certain problems in order to produce reasonable answers.

  • 2

    Inductive Reasoning - The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules and conclusions (including finding relationships between seemingly unconnected events).

  • 3

    Oral Understanding - The ability to listen and understand information and ideas conveyed through words and oral sentences

  • 4

    Problem Sensitivity - The ability to tell when something is wrong or maybe wrong. This does not involve solving the problem, only knowing if there is a problem.